Beyond Tutoring Homeschool Support SAT & ACT Get in touch!

Beyond Tutoring Homeschool Support SAT & ACT Test Prep Get in touch!

Accreditation Option

Our Day Academy can be taken either as a fully accredited option or as a homeschooler. Here’s what each option means for you:


Similar to FLVS Flex or any other homeschool program, you are free to choose your child’s curriculum, and the regulatory requirements from the state on testing and vaccinations are minimal. We will either administer an end-of-year standardized assessment or provide your child with a portfolio review from a licensed teacher as required by the state. At the end of 12th grade, your child will graduate as a homeschooler, which is not the same as graduating with a high school diploma. As long as you have a good SAT or ACT score, you’ll still be eligible for colleges, universities, or military service, but more weight is put on those standardized tests since a homeschooler’s GPA is not viewed with the same weight as that of a student from a traditional public school.

Fully Accredited:

For an additional $50/month, we will send your student’s work to a local fully accredited private school so your child can graduate with a standard high school diploma at the end of 12th grade. We have an existing relationship with this school that makes this possible. Your student will never need to attend the school in person; they will do all their instruction either on our portal or with our tutors here and in-person. You will need to provide vaccination records and past school transcripts.


You can switch between the homeschool and fully accredited options at any time. However, if you switch during senior year (from homeschool to fully accredited), you will be required to complete at least six courses for credit in order to graduate with a diploma, and we will need to retroactively charge you for one year of the fully accredited option to align everything properly.


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